Thursday, June 30, 2005

Let It All Hang Out

Better stop doing that before your face sticks that way.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Without Thumbs

Do you know how long it takes me to type without thumbs!?!? The mouse is tough to use too.

It all makes me very sleepy.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

shhh.. dont wake me please. Posted by Hello

this is my squishy bone. it hides treats. i have teeth. they are good for finding treats in my squishy. Posted by Hello

the beast...and her feast. Posted by Hello

boo. Posted by Hello

zzzzzzzz....... Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 16, 2005

This is Lola the week she came home. Sure was a big responsibility for little ol' me. Posted by Hello

See, Im still bigger! Posted by Hello

Can your ears do this? Posted by Hello

Lola and I let this sock have it today. Sure was fun. Too bad she is still a bit small, or we could have really had a good romp. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Dog Days of Summer

Why do they call the longest, hottest days the dog days of summer? I sure dont like them much - and I know other dogs feel the same. I like the cool spring days when i get to run and chase bunnies, and the cold winter nights when i get to eat the falling snowflakes.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Isnt too smart is she. Hiding behind that stick just doest work. Posted by Hello

Don't adjust your screen, its really that hot today. Posted by Hello

No, Im not ill. Im sleeping. And the red spots - that lucky little fuzzball found a packet of crystal light, raspberry - then she chewed on me. If my tongue was longer, I would lick it off. Posted by Hello

My favorite chair. Too bad I have to share now. I get first dibs on it though, so Lola has to hang on tight or she will wake up on the floor. Posted by Hello

Are there others???

I have done a little looking, not too much...and I cant seem to find many sites out there that are run by other Weims (or other dogs for that matter). If you have a site, send me the address and I will add it to my links! -Z

Friday, June 03, 2005

Hi! I just wanted to share a good picture of me with the world. Who doesnt like a good picture of a weim?!?! Oooh! I gotta go bark at something... Posted by Hello

This is my sister, Lola. She is still just a little pup...but growing fast! Posted by Hello

This is me, Zoe. Of course, I was a little pup in this picture, and now I'm a big pup.
 Posted by Hello

Just Couldn't Resist

I was surfing the web, the only surfing I can do in Ohio, when I came across a fantastic website - WOW!!! Now that is some great stuff.
Then it hit me, why don't I have a website!?!?!? In fact, why don't ALL weimaraners have websites!?!?!?
So, I decided to start one up. This will give Dexter something to read from time to time, and if others join us, soon we can take over the world ( I have already conquered this house, now Im looking for some new territory).
Well, my time is up for today, I'll try to get a picture posted later.... oh, and I'll try to post a picture of my sister (her name is Lola).
- Zoe